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Category Archives: Faculty

Associate Professor Andrew Dickerson’s research paper on maple samaras has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 

A unique collaboration between the Tickle College of Engineering and the University of Tennessee School of Art is helping address the workforce shortage in the U.S casting and forging industry through hosting METAL bootcamps.

Zhenbo Wang had an article published in The Conversation that looks ahead to what promises to be a groundbreaking year for space exploration. 

EndoTheia, Inc., co-founded by MABE Associate Professor Caleb Rucker has announced the successful completion of the first-in-human clinical trial for the FlexStone™ Basket, the first-ever independently steerable kidney stone basket.

With a new, dedicated lab space, Zhenbo Wang is researching how to give autonomous drones the ability to safely maneuver through advanced air mobility systems.

Associate Professor Phillip Kreth was selected as Class of 2025 Associate Fellow by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

The Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering has added three new faculty members to the staff for the 2024-25 school year. They bring a wide array of abilities, expertise, and experience in their fields.

MABE Associate Professor Caleb Rucker and a team from the University of Tennessee are part of a landmark, multi-institution surgical robot project that received up to $12 million in funding from ARPA-H.

After discovering a surprising feature of some laser-induced plasmas, Zhili Zhang has been awarded an NSF grant to continue studying the useful phenomenon.

Five faculty members from the Tickle College of Engineering are involved in projects that received 2024 Grand Challenges Type 1 Grants.