August 2021-Present
Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee
2015-July 2021
Associate Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee
Group Leader, Deposition Science & Technology Group
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Joint Faculty, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee
Senior Research Scientist, Manufacturing Demonstration Facility
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Director of Technology, Tennessee Solar Institute
University of Tennessee
Solar Program Manager
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Research Scientist, Materials Science & Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Senior Aeronautical Engineer, C-5 Galaxy Modernization Program
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Marietta, GA
Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Tech
Research Assistant, Tribology Laboratory
Virginia Tech
Cooperative Education Student, Tyvek Non-wovens
DuPont, Richmond VA
Additive Manufacturing of polymer and composite structures, focusing on anisotropic mechanical behavior, new material development, melt flow characterization, and optimizing process-structure-property relationships
Development of Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM) at multi-meter length scales and over 100 lbs/h
Tooling applications for large scale additive manufacturing, including development of novel coatings and base materials
PhD, 2001, Georgia Tech
BSME, 1997, Virginia Tech
Awards and Recognitions
- MABE Outstanding Faculty Initiative and Leadership Award, 2018
- Pi Tau Sigma Excellence in Teaching Award, 2018
- ORNL Director's Award for Big Area Additive Manufacturing (2014)
- ORNL Excellence in Technology Transfer Award for Big Area Additive
- Innovation Award for Big Area Additive Manufacturing, RAPID 2014 Conference (2014)
- National FLC Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer for Pulse Thermal Processing (2013)
- R&D 100 Award: CermaClad: Rapid Metal Coating Process (MesoCoat) (2011)
- R&D 100 Award for PulseForge 3100 with Pulse Thermal Processing (2009)
- Eugene P. Wigner Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (May 2004)
- C. Duty and B. Groh. “Using Direct Metal Deposition to Fabricate Mold Plates for an Injection Mold Machine Allowing for the Evaluation of Cost Effective Near-Sourcing Opportunities in Larger, High Volume Consumer Products.” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2015/272, July 2015.
- D. Graham, J.W. Moon, B. Armstrong, P. Datskos, C. Duty, R. Gresback, I. Ivanov, C. Jacobs, G.E. Jellison, G. Jang, P. Joshi, H. Jung, H. Meyer, T. Phelps. “Manufacturing Demonstration Facility: Low Temperature Synthesis” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2015/332, June 2015.
- P. Datskos, P. Joshi, C. Duty, F. List, B. Armstrong, I. Ivanov, C. Jacobs, D. Graham, J.W. Moon. “Manufacturing Demonstration Facility: Roll-to-Roll Processsing” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2015/270, June 2015.
- V. Kunc, B. Compton, S. Simunovic, C. Duty, L. Love, B. Post, C. Blue, S. DorMohammadi, R. Dutton, C. Godines, H. Baid, F. Abdi. “Numerical Simulation of Big Area Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) of a Full Size Car.” Proceedings of SAMPE, Baltimore, MD, May 2015.
- L Love, C Duty, B Post, R Lind, P Lloyd, V Kunc, B Peter, and C Blue, “Breaking Barriers in Polymer Additive Manufacturing.” Proceedings of SAMPE, Baltimore, MD (May 2015).
- P. Joshi, B. Compton, J. Li, G.E. Jellison, C. Duty, Z. Chen. “Develop Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Process of ZrO2 Nanocrystals/Acrylic Nanocomposites for High Refractive Index Applications.” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2015/149 (CRADA/NFE-14-05066) March 2015.
- L. Love and C. Duty. “Cincinnati Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM).” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2015/100 (CRADA/NFE-14-04957) March 2015.
- C. Duty, T. Drye, A. Franc. “Material Development for Tooling Applications using Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM).” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2015/78, March 2015.
- L. Kolbus, A. Payzant, P. Cornwell, T. Watkins, S. Babu, R. Dehoff, and C. Duty, “Comparison of Residual Stress in Inconel 718 Simple Parts Made by Electron Beam Melting and Direct Laser Sintering.” Materials Science & Engineering A, 46(A), p 1419 (March 2015).
- C. Duty and R. Springfield. “Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing for Composite Part Molds.” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2015/96 (CRADA/NFE-14-05107) February 2015.
- W Zhou, F List, C Duty, and S Babu, “Sintering Kinetics of Inkjet Printed Conductive Silver Lines on Insulating Plastic Substrate.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 46 (3), pp 1542-1547 (June 2015).
- H.L. Tekinalp, V. Kunc, G. Velez-Garcia, C. Duty, L. Love, A. Naskar, C. Blue, and S. Ozcan, “Highly Aligned Carbon Fiber in Polymer Composite Structures via Additive Manufacturing.” Composites Science & Technology 105 (5) p 144 (October 2014).
- JW Moon, I Ivanov, P Joshi, B Armstrong, W Wang, H Jung, A Rondinone, G Jellison, H Meyer, GG Jang, R Meisner, C Duty, and T Phelps “Scalable production of microbially mediated zinc sulfide nanoparticles and application to functional thin films,” Acta Biomaterialia, 10(10), 4474-4483 (October 2014).
- L Love, V Kunc, O Rios, C Duty, A Elliot, B Post, R Smith, and C Blue, “The Importance of Carbon Fiber to Polymer Additive Manufacturing.” Journal of Materials Research, 29(17), pp 1893-1898 (September 2014).
- G. Velez-Garcia, A. Wright, V. Kunc, and C. Duty. “Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Test Report.” ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2014/334 (August 2014).
- SI Park, D Rosen, and C Duty, “Comparing Mechanical and Geometrical Properties of Lattice Structure Fabricated Using Electron Beam Melting.” Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, TX (August 2014).
- SI Park, SK Choi, D Rosen, and C Duty, “Effective Mechanical Properties of Latice Material Fabricated by Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing.” Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, Buffalo, NY (August 2014).
- W Zhou, F List, C Duty, and S Babu, “Fabrication of Conductive Paths on a Fused Deposition Modeling Substrate using Inkjet Deposition.” Accepted to Rapid Prototyping Journal, August 2014.
- R. Dinwiddie, V. Kunc, J. Lindhal, B. Post, R. Smith, L. Love, and C. Duty. “Infrared Imaging of the Polymer 3D-Printing Process,” Proceedings of ThermoSense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXVI, Baltimore, MD (May 2014).
- JW Moon, I Ivanov, C Duty, L Love, A Rondinone, W Wang, Y Li, A Madden, J Mosher, M Hu, A Suresh, C Rawn, H Jung, R Lauf, T Phelps. “Scalable economic extracellular synthesis of CdS nanostructured particles by a non-pathogenic thermophile” Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol. 40, p. 1263-1271 (2013).
- Watkins, Bilheux, An, Brice, Payzant, Dehoff, Duty, Blue, Peter, “Neutron Characterization for Additive Manufacturing.” Advanced Materials and Processes (AM&P), Vol. 171, Issue 3, pp. 23-27 (2013).
- Dehoff, Tallman, Duty, Peter, Yamamoto, Chen, Blue, “Case Study: Additive Manufacturing of Aerospace Brackets.” Advanced Materials and Processes (AM&P), Vol. 171, Issue 3, pp. 19-22 (2013).
- Holshouser, Newell, Palas, Love, Kunc, Lind, Lloyd, Rowe, Blue, Duty, Peter, Dehoff, “Out of Bounds Additive Manufacturing.” Advanced Materials and Processes (AM&P), Vol. 171, Issue 3, pp. 15-17 (2013).