Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace & Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS
Research Scholar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC
Postdoctoral Associate, Mechanical Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA
Advanced heat and fluid flow diagnostics for thermal management in applications requiring high heat flux dissipation, porous media heat transfer for electronics cooling, particle flows through porous media for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) applications, thermal energy storage, additive manufacturing, thermal energy conversion and storage, micro- and nano-scale heat transfer.
PhD, 2017, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA
MS, 2014, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ
B.Tech., 2012, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
Professional Service
- Member of ASME K-10 committee on Heat Transfer Equipment
- Member of ASME K-11 committee on Fire and Combustion
- Member of ASME K-14 committee on Gas Turbine Heat Transfer
- Member of ASME
- Reviewer for over 40+ international journals in thermal science, which includes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (outstanding reviewer recognition), Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Additive Manufacturing, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
Awards and Recognitions
- 2021 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
- 2021 Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, Mechanical Engineering Department, MSU
- 2020 MSU Mechanical Engineering Faculty Support Fund for Excellence in Research
- 2017 ASME Warren M. Rohsenow Award, K-14 committee on Gas Turbine Heat Transfer
- 2015 New Horizon Fellowship, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- 2013 Darryl E. Metzger Memorial Fellowship, Arizona State University
See a full list of publications.
Selected Publications
*Directly supervised Ph.D. students by Dr. Singh are underlined.
- Nithyanandam, K, Singh, P., “Enhanced forced convection through thin metal foams placed in rectangular ducts”, Heat Transfer Engineering. In Press. [doi]
- Kaur, I. and Singh, P., 2022, “Conjugate heat transfer in lattice frame materials based on novel unit cell topologies”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, pp.1-14. [doi]
- Patterson, M., Singh, P. and Cho, H., 2022, “The current state of the industrial energy assessment and its impacts on the manufacturing industry”, Energy Reports, 8, pp.7297-7311. [doi]
- Kaur, I., Aider, Y., Nithyanandam, K. and Singh, P., 2022, “Thermal-hydraulic performance of additively manufactured lattices for gas turbine blade trailing edge cooling”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 211, p.118461. [doi]
- Singh, P., 2022, “Effects of jet-to-target spacing on primary and secondary peak heat transfer for an obliquely impinging jet”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 191, p.122831. [doi]
- Aider, Y., Kaur, I., Cho, H. and Singh, P., 2022, “Periodic heat transfer characteristics of additively manufactured lattices”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 189, p.122692. [doi]
- Kaur, I., Singh, P., 2022, "Direct pore-scale simulations of fully periodic unit cells of different regular lattices", ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 144(2), pp.022702. [doi]
- Madhavan, S., Singh, P., Ekkad, S.V., 2022, "Effect of Rotation on Heat Transfer in AR = 2:1 and AR = 4:1 Channels Connected by a Series of Crossover Jets", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(6), pp.061011. [doi]
- Ekkad, S.V., Singh, P., 2021, "Liquid Crystal Thermography in Gas Turbine Heat Transfer: A Review on Measurement Techniques and Recent Investigations", Crystals, 11(11), pp.1332. [doi]
- Dutta, S., Singh, P., "Opportunities in Jet-Impingement Cooling for Gas-Turbine Engines", Energies, 2021, 14(20), pp.6587. [doi]
- Kaur, I. and Singh, P., 2021, “Endwall heat transfer characteristics of octahedron family lattice-frame materials”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, pp.105522. [doi]
- Kaur, I., Singh, P., 2021, “State-of-the-art in heat exchanger additive manufacturing”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 178, pp.121600. [doi]
- Sundaram, R.D., Madhavan, S., Singh, P. and Ekkad, S.V., 2021, “Enhanced fin-effectiveness of micro-scale concentric-shape roughened target surface subjected to array jet impingement”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 173, pp.121148. [doi]
- Kaur, I. and Singh, P., 2021, “Flow and thermal transport characteristics of Triply-Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS)-based gyroid and Schwarz-P cellular materials”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 79(8), pp.553-569. [doi]
- Wang, N., Kaur, I., Singh, P. and Li, L., 2021, “Prediction of effective thermal conductivity of porous lattice structures and validation with additively manufactured metal foams”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 187, pp.116558. [doi]
- Kaur, I. and Singh, P., 2021, “Critical evaluation of additively manufactured metal lattices for viability in advanced heat exchangers”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 168, pp.120858. [doi]
- Kaur, I. and Singh, P., 2021, “Numerical investigation on conjugate heat transfer in octet-shape-based single unit cell thick metal foam”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 121, pp.105090. [doi]
- Ekkad, S. V., and Singh, P. 2021, “A Modern Review on Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Methods”, J. Heat Transfer, 143(6), pp.064001. [doi]