Tag Archives: Xiaopeng Zhao

Student Trip to Japan Broadens Research Horizons
Semilore Abiodun-Adeniyi and Victoria Rapalo participated in a research trip to Japan supported by Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation.
Grand Grant Funding
Five faculty members from the Tickle College of Engineering are involved in projects that received 2024 Grand Challenges Type 1 Grants.

RISE Project Awarded NIH Grant
Xiaopeng Zhao is part of a collaborative team that has been awarded a $401,090 grant from the National Institutes of Health for the project RISE, which uses a robot with AI tools to help caregivers in the Alzheimer’s community.
Policymaking Professors
Anahita Khojandi and Xiaopeng Zhao have been selected for the AAAS 2024-25 Science & Technology Policy Fellowship.
Zhao Receives a2 Pilot Award for MUSICARE-VR Project
Xiaopeng Zhao was selected to receive an a2 Pilot Award from the Artificial Intelligence and Technology Collaboratories (AITC) for his work in music intervention for Alzheimer’s patients.

MABE Prepared Fengpei Yuan (’24) for Immediate Faculty Role
Xiaopeng Zhao’s former student, healthcare roboticist Fengpei Yuan (PhD ’24), has accepted a tenure-track faculty position at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Alexander Graduates with Multiple Skills, Bright Future
Nylan Alexander will graduate on Friday with a degree in biomedical engineering. The dynamic senior has developed skills as a researcher, teacher, and leader while at UT.