The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) connects the most talented and diverse college students, recent graduates, postdocs, and faculty to STEM internship and fellowship programs closely aligned with the interests of a variety of research facilities, including those managed for the US Department of Energy and more than a dozen other federal agencies. These STEM internships and fellowships prepare the next generation of researchers, scientists, and engineers by providing hands-on experience at national laboratories and government research facilities.
One of those laboratories is Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), which offers educational programs for faculty and high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. These programs provide experiences that complement academic programs and provide opportunities for additional learning, development, and training in a workplace setting. ORNL provides educationally based, mission-aligned experiences with world-class researchers and staff and access to premier facilities.
Through ORNL’s educational programs
- Undergraduate students will learn about team science and collaborative research through internships mentored by world-class scientists and professionals;
- Graduate students will conduct research at the nation’s largest multiprogram science and technology lab;
- Faculty will help create solutions to today’s most pressing scientific problems while conducting research with dedicated mentors using world-leading scientific resources.
Learn more about ORNL educational programs and opportunities.
Learn more about ORISE internships and fellowships.