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Nelson receives travel award, will present at International Shoulder Group meeting

Photo of Alli Nelson

Alli Nelson

Alli Nelson, a research assistant in the Upper Limb Assist Lab in MABE, will be giving a podium presentation at the International Shoulder Group meeting on August 12-13. She will present her computer model of a new wearable shoulder exoskeleton that she and other lab members are developing. The exoskeleton is intended to assist the movements of people with upper limb disability. She added the exoskeleton to a biomechanical model to see how it would affect muscle coordination during simulated shoulder movements. Her results will help improve the exoskeleton design and understand how people may change their movement patterns when wearing assistive devices such as orthotics.

Nelson received a travel award to present at the meeting, which covers the cost of her meeting registration, will allow her to meet with leading research and clinical experts who specialize in the shoulder.

She earned her BS in biomedical engineering in May 2017, and was recently accepted into the Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University SBES PhD program to start this coming fall.

This photo shows the exoskeleton Nelson added to a biomechanical model to see how it would affect muscle coordination during simulated shoulder movements.