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Tag Archives: Uday Vaidya

InnoCrate won the American Composites Manufacturing Association’s Award for Composites Excellence at the 2024 Composites and Advanced Materials Expo.

Three TCE faculty members were among the five winners of the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund, which is aimed at bolstering East Tennessee’s entrepreneurship pipeline. The faculty members each received $50,000.

Moldex3D, an industry-leading software simulation company for plastic injection molding, provided the University of Tennessee with a generous software donation valued at $3.65 million. The donation gives UT engineering students a leg up in the job market.

Raptor Resins has worked with UT’s Fibers and Composite Manufacturing Facility, Mechanical, Aerospace & Biomedical Engineering (MABE) department to develop a cyanate ester resin that helped the company win a program with the Navy for radome repair. It was all made possible by the RevV voucher program.

Volkswagen Group of America; the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; the UT Research Foundation; and Oak Ridge National Laboratory today announced […]

The position of UT’s College of Engineering and Oak Ridge National Laboratory as leaders in the manufacturing revolution has taken another bold step forward with the hiring of Uday Vaidya as the Governor’s Chair in Advanced Composites Manufacturing.

Vaidya becomes the fourteenth UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair and the seventh devoted to some aspect of advanced manufacturing, underscoring the importance of this research and the role of the two institutes in it.